Store Service

You can order the products listed on this site from the following two.
how to order Destination Reception time Remarks
the Internet Shopping cart system 24hours SSL encrypted communication
FAX 054-261-7785 24hours Fax order form

* Same-day shipping of products is limited to in-stock items ordered by 13:00 (1 pm) on weekday business days.

Flow of ordering from the Internet (24-hour reception)

  1. Please select a product from the product page.
  2. Click the "Add to Cart" button on the product details page to add the desired product to your shopping cart.
  3. If you want to change the order quantity, please enter the desired quantity in the quantity field.
  4. If you would like to continue ordering, please return to the product page and enjoy your shopping.
  5. When you have your order, click "Proceed to checkout".
  6. If you have already registered, please enter your "email address" and "password".
    If you are a first-time customer, please register your customer information. Please enter according to the instructions on the screen.
  7. Please select "Payment method".
  8. Please enter the contact information such as "desired delivery date", "desired delivery time", etc. in "Comments on your order".
  9. Please check your order details. If you like, please click "Order".
  10. Your order is complete! We will immediately send you an automatic reply email to confirm your order.

    If you do not receive the confirmation email within 24 hours after placing your order, the email address you entered may be incorrect. Please contact us by email or call us (TEL: 054-261-). Please contact us at 7748).

Order by FAX (24 hours reception)

    1. Please print the fax order form on A4 size paper.
    2. Please select a product from the product page.
    3. Please fill in all the blanks on the fax order form.
    4. Please fax the fax order form to Yamada Bodyworks ( 054-261-7785).
    5. Your order is complete!

* Currently, credit card payment is not available for fax orders. You can only pay by cash on delivery or bank transfer.

Cancellation / Return


Other questions here please contact.

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